1. What is JAVA

               a. Java is a widely-used programming language for coding web applications.

               b. It has been a popular choice among developers for over two decades,
                with millions of Java applications in use today. 

               c.  Java is a multi-platform, object-oriented, and network-centric language 
               that can be used as a platform in itself.

               d.  It is a fast, secure, reliable programming language for coding 
               everything from mobile apps and enterprise software to big data
                applications and server-side technologies.


    2. Feature of JAVA

                   a. Java is a simple programming language and easy to understand
                    because it does not contain complexities that exist in prior
                     programming languages.
                   b. Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language, which means
                    in Java everything is written in terms of classes and objects. 

                   c. The design objective of javasoft people is to develop a
                    language that must work on any platform. 
                   d. The Java Programming language is robust, which means it
                    is capable of handling unexpected termination of a program.

    3. Why JAVA

Java was designed to be easy to use and is therefore easy to write, compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages. Java is object-oriented. This allows you to create modular programs and reusable code. Java is platform-independent.